From cdp!dell Wed Mar 8 00:58:04 1995
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 05:39:45 -0800
From: Dell Salza <>
Subject: Greetings from Boston!

To the Minister of Education,

I*EARN is an organization of concerned and committed people working to prepare students for the world of the 21st century. Not only does I*EARN provide experience with international telecommunications, it also teaches the values and attitudes necessary for living in a global village. It provides students with opportunities to discuss local and global problems and to consider multiple perspectives on a variety of critical issues. It helps them to appreciate other cultures and to learn from their peers about what life is like in many different parts of the world in a way that is immediate and compelling.

In the 21st century, today's young people will need to understand the critical problems that face us and be able to work together with people from all over the planet to solve those problems.

Australian students have done active and inspiring work on the network so far. I hope that as students in other countries have followed their lead, other governmental officials throughout the world will follow yours in learning about and providing support for I*EARN. Our future depends on such thoughtful, forward- thinking changes in our educational systems.

Dell Salza

I*EARN Executive Council
from Harvard University Graduate School of Education


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