I*EARN Student News



Last Day Of Conference

The first session was a chance to pull together many of the events from the previous days. People spoke about their experiences over the previous days and groups had a chance to make presentations - Argentina and South Africa. Morning Tea. Bill thanked all the people who had a hand in making the conference work - Bill himself received a standing ovation for his leadership and organisation at this conference!

The students presented the "Uniting Water Ceremony" directed by Ben van Bronckhorst from Sweden to close the conference. We hope everyone had a great time.




We would like to thank everyone who attended the conference, we hope you all have a safe trip home. We hope that you will go home with much more knoweledge than when you came. We also hope that you will tell all your friends about the conference. A special thankyou to Bill Coppinger and Andrew Hocking for organising such a great conference. Also a special thankyou to John Mason and Bill Stewart who have helping us through our problems getting the newpaper up and running. Thanks