From Sun Feb 26 11:13:36 1995
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 1995 16:12:54 -0800
From: Peter Copen <>
Subject: For The Minister

Honorable Don Hayward
Minister of Education
Victoria, Australia

To the Minister of Education:

Thank you for your interest in I*EARN. It is gratifying. Why? Because we are so committed to giving our children the opportunity to truly learn how to be contributing citizens in the 21st Century. I am sure you are aware of the exponential rise in problems that can affect the quality of life on the planet.

Recently the Union of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge, MA., published a report entitled World Scientist's Warning to Humanity signed by over 1670 scientists, including 104 Nobel laureates. It warns: "No more than one or a few decades remain before the chance to avert the threats we now confront will be lost and the prospects of humanity immeasurably diminished".

I*EARN intends to not sit back and let this happen. Through its global networking of schools, teachers, administrators and children, we hope to shift the paradigm of " I can't" to "I CAN" make a meaningful difference in the world. And all this as part of the educational process. In fact, we have demonstrated that participation in I*EARN increases motivation and learning for students (and teachers) in this domain.

Clearly, this can not happen without the support of key officials such as yourself.

We have been working with other high-ranking officials globally in the U.S., Russia, Argentina, China, and other countries as well as many local educational administrators and teachers.

It is a privilege to have you interested in our work.

Peter Copen

The Copen Family Fund


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