From Thu Mar 16 02:57:51 1995
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 07:55:09 -0800
From: Rachelle Engler <>
Subject: I*EARN

March 15, 1995

The Honourable Mr. Don Hayward:

Thank you for your interest in and support for education that inspires young people with opportunities to engage in projects that make a meaningful difference in the world. The Australians who participate in I*EARN conferences regularly impress me with their numbers, their highly visible presence, their thoughtfulness, and their leadership within their local, national and global communities.

The I*EARN network is a vehicle for young people in the world to become more deeply, consciously, and immediately connected to their peers in other nations. These connections can build a foundation of trust, appreciation and respect for the self and others. By collaborating with their peers on projects designed to make a contribution to other people and the planet, students learn that individuals CAN and DO make a difference.

The ELNA Global Age Project is a public school collaboration in the Greater Boston Area, serving eleven districts and 77 schools. We promote Social Responsibility in the k-12 curriculum, and we served as one of the nine pilot centers for I*EARN until the network opened up its membership to all schools. Students within our districts have participated in I*EARN projects such as the Nicaraguan Rope Pump Project and the Bosnian "No Child Without a Smile" Project and have engaged in projects with students from many countries including Australia, Argentina, Chile, Israel, South Africa and China. We look forward to continuing to involve more of our teachers and students in I*EARN projects over the coming months.

It is an honour and remarkable indeed to type this message and know that within seconds it will be available for you to read in your computer "mailbox."

With appreciation for your commitment to education and young people,
Rachelle Engler

New England Center Coordinator, I*EARN
Program Coordinator, The ELNA Global Age Project


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