The Whalesong Project: Whalelog

April 2003
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 Thursday, 24 April 2003
How the Mosaic browser triggered a digital revolution. On April 22, 1993, a group of students at the University of Illinois released a piece of computer code designed to get information from various public networks...

[Source:xBlog: The visual thinking weblog | XPLANE]
11:11:45 PM    

Customised copyright licences going global

[Source:New Scientist]
10:51:44 PM    

iPoding: "Want to read news on your iPod without installing and managing a new application? Now you can with RSS2iCal, a simple web script that allows you to subscribe to web news sources directly from Apple's iCal as if they were shared calendars."

[Source:Scripting News]
8:04:18 AM