Monday, 30 September 2002

Aussie Broadband Users surge..

Sydney, September, 2002: The number of Internet users connecting from home by broadband* surged 25 per cent over the past three months, with more than half a million Australians now enjoying high-speed access (>56k), according to latest findings from Nielsen-NetRatings.

[Ed -Who said Broadband was just anything >56K? ]

Nielsen-NetRatings information for July saw an additional 150,000 at home users connected to broadband between May and July, bringing the numbers of users to 500,000 and now representing 8.6 per cent of all people who are active online from home.

[Source: Nielsen Ratings ]
2:13:39 PM    

Ahh.. That's what it is!!!

Dave Winer points out the simple yet extremely insightful observation of ' Stop Energy [SE] that confronts many in the attempt to collaboratively build anything, whether they be online communities, software or the next mousetrap...

[Source: Dave Winer ]
1:39:45 PM    

An article by Soren Kaplan in the August Learning Circuits is worth a look. While perhaps a little obvious to some, nevertheless, a valuable if simple rubric for those working on these dilema's for the first time.

Culture, language and perhaps even cross-sector issues would also be worthy of highlighting.

In a recent survey by the Masie Center, nearly 2000 learning professionals ranked online communities as one of the top three most important components of e-learning portals. But the term community remains ambiguous, and CLOs are unsure how to start building and integrating them into their organizations. Here's a model that describes a number of practical applications for including community as part of a learning plan and specific strategies for building learning-focused communities.

[Source: Learning Circuits]
10:14:42 AM