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Nineteen Ninety Two [1992 ]  


Global Networking, a way forward for communities online..

The explosion of the I*EARN has changed forever my understanding of the borders of learning. The wotk of colleagues such as Ed Gragert, Peter Copen and Daniel Reyes have set the benchmarks for online collaborative communities.

Bill Coppinger

March 1992


I*EARN International (92.01)
A global network of educators working to use telecommunications to improve the health and welfare of the Planet and its Peoples.more >>

I*EARN Australia (92.02)
The Australian Centre of I*EARN. Many of my colleagues and I founded this centre and worked to assist the development of the use of online technologies to support reflective, enquiry based learning.. more >>

Milk.R, Mercado.C, Sapiens. A Re-Thinking the education of teachers of language minority children: Developing reflective teachers for changing schools. (92.03)
As teaching contexts change, so, too, must teacher training and staff development programs adapt to reflect shifting realities.
more >>

Grossen, B. Child-Directed Teaching Methods: A Discriminatory Practice of Western Education (92.04)
The model of child-directed practices that is currently called "developmentally appropriate practice" (DAP) by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, has been extensively implemented and evaluated in England (as "progressive education") and in America (as "open education"). Extensive case studies in England indicated that progressive education was in reality radically conservative; children became more firmly entrenched in the social class they inherited from their parents. more >>






Bibliography Assessments of Multimedia Technology in Education: (92.05)
Is there any evidence that multimedia technology is more effective for delivering instruction than traditional methods? Is there more than anecdotal evidence to show that the educational results justify the cost and effort of incorporating multimedia technology into the classroom?

To help answer these questions, here is a body of research devoted to assessing the effectiveness of multimedia in all levels of education, including corporate and military training. more >>


The Red Telar Network "Las telecomunicaciones en la sociedad, deben servir como los electrocardiogramas, para transmitir los latidos de amor del coraz—n humano..." (92.06) more >>


1992 ACOT Research Portfolio Brochure. The following five reports (12-16) are bundled together as the 1992 ACOT Research Portfolio Brochure. (92.07) more >>



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